My flat iron died today. May it rest in peace…

I’m not really sure what happened.  It was working fine when I used it last night, but when I turned it on to style my hair this morning, it refused to cooperate.  I plugged it in and gave it time to warm up as I applied my makeup, but when I grabbed it to straighten my bangs, the plates were not hot at all.  In fact, they were barely warm.  I’m not even sure if the little heat on them was due to the iron trying to warm itself up, or because it absorbed some of hot air from this heat wave we’ve been having lately.  Anyway, it definitely wasn’t enough to straighten anyone’s hair.  (Not that I didn’t try.  But I might as well have taken two books and used that to style my bangs for all it did, tch.)  Anyway, I did a quick search online and the most reasonable explanation I found was that the heating filament inside has finally burned out.

I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.  After all I’ve been using this flat iron almost everyday for the past 6 years.  (It was one of my first purchases after I got a job.)   I suppose  it’s about time I get a new one.

I texted my sister to tell her about the untimely demise of my poor flat iron and she replied “Haha, say hello to poofy bangs!”  How terribly sensitive of her.  Hmph.  Sorry to disappoint you Ezra, but there’s no way I’m letting that happen.  Thank goodness I have this little guy:

My mini Conair flat iron.  I bought it back in 2009 when we went to California because I thought it would be a useful thing to have when I travel.  It’s tiny, comes with a heat protectant pouch, and it’s dual-voltage too!  (Whenever we visit the states, Ezra and I always end up having to borrow Kurt’s flat iron because ours operate on 220V and American outlets run on 110V…)

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