Review/Initial Thoughts : Elementary


These past few days I’ve been glued to my iPad, watching this show.  I’m almost done with season 1 so I figured I would share some of my thoughts here on my blog.

As some of you may know, Sherlock (BBC) season 3 ended a few weeks ago.  I waited for it to come out for months and I can’t believe that its already over. (Some people waited years, but I only started watching the series last May.) Ever since the show ended, I’ve been on a sort of Sherlock withdrawal, so I decided to give Elementary a try.

I found out about this show through a Buzzfeed article entitled 31 Perfect People You Wanted To Date In 2013. Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson were numbers 20 and 21 on that list. Yes, you read that correctly  JOAN Watson. Not John, but Joan.  I haven’t heard of the show before this, so I was curious as to who these people were.  After a quick search on Google, I found out that they were the main characters in Elementary, a contemporary US adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. In this version, Sherlock Holmes lives in New York City.  He had just come out of rehab and his father hired Dr. Joan Watson to be his sober companion to make sure he doesn’t relapse.


At first I was hesitant about watching this show, especially since I’m such a huge fan of BBC’s Sherlock.  I didn’t believe that anyone else aside from Benedict Cumberbatch could play Sherlock.  I’m quite happy to be proven wrong.  Of course I still think that Benedict’s Sherlock is unbeatable, but I also appreciate Jonny Lee Miller portrayal of him.  They play the same character, but they do it very differently.  Benedict plays Sherlock as an emotionless sociopath with very little concern for social etiquette, while Miller depicts him as a much more relatable human being.  He does get a little crazy every now and then, but nothing too over the top.

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(EZRA) 6/52 : Sometimes the very thing you’re looking for is the one thing you can’t see

Elementary my dear Watson 🙂

Ezra’s portrait this week was inspired by the Sherlock Holmes 2 movie that we watched a few weeks ago.  Ckloy and I had our monthsary on the 2nd of this month and we decided to celebrate by going to the movies.  Ezra tagged along with me to the mall because she had some stuff she needed to buy.  When it was time for us to watch the movie, she decided to watch it with us because she didn’t want to go wandering around the mall by herself, lol.  Although she didn’t see the first Sherlock Holmes movie, she still ended up enjoying this one.

  • Title came from Vanessa William’s song “Save the Best for Last.
  • Texture came from HERE.