
Hi!  I’m Carmi!  Welcome to my little space on the internet!  Feel free to look around 😀


Some random things about me:

  • I’m a little vain.  I like calling myself a “self portrait artist” because it gives me an excuse to take loads of pictures of myself.  I’m on my 7th round of the 52-week self portrait project on Flickr.  I started in 2009 and I learned that I really enjoy posing for a camera on a tripod and making myself look better in Photoshop.  I post all my self portraits on this blog, but if you want to see my other works, check out my Flickr stream (link below).  Although lately I haven’t been able to shoot as much so my stream mainly consists of just my self portraits.

  • Photomanipulations make me happy. Photoshop is da bomb!  I love that I’m able to take the surreal images I have in my head into digital form to share with others.  (And the fact that I can make myself look like I have flawless skin doesn’t hurt…)

  • I may seem friendly and talkative online, but I’m actually very shy and awkward in real life.  Many people mistake this for being snobbish, but most of the time I just really don’t know what to say.  To avoid making a fool of myself, I just keep quiet.
  • Internet junkie.  I will stay online all day if you let me.
  • Bookworm. Books have saved me from boredom more times than I can count.  Please leave me recommendations if you have any favorites 😀

  • Piano lover. I used to take lessons but now I just play for fun.  I started off playing classical piano when I was younger, but these days I mostly just play whatever song I’m currently into, which are usually K-pop songs or K-drama soundtracks.  (Although I’m so busy nowadays that I’m lucky if I even get to spend a few minutes on the piano.)

  • Loves Asian dramas and music. I’m definitely a J-drama and K-drama fangirl.  I love Japanese and Korean variety shows too.  RUNNING MAN FTW!!!
  • Loves makeup and beauty products.  I didn’t start wearing makeup until after college, so now I’m making up for all those lost years of kikay-ness.

  • Potterhead.  JK Rowling is a genius for coming up with the whole Harry Potter universe.  I love all the books~  My favorite is PoA (followed closely by HBP) mainly because I love the Marauders so much (I’m a big JxL shipper too).

This blog was the product of sheer boredom, and I’m glad I’ve managed to keep it alive for a little over 6 years now.  When I first started, I intended for it to be a beauty/photography blog, but over the years it morphed into a place where I can share random tidbits of my life.  I do post beauty and photography related entries every now and then, but you’ll also find many entries about my thoughts and reviews on various things (such as books, movies and Asian dramas), piano and music related stuff, vacation pictures, and a bunch of other random posts about my friends and family.

Hope you enjoy looking around.  Feel free to leave a comment~

Thanks for dropping by!



You can also find (and add) me on these other sites listed below.  Although I haven’t been able to update them much these days (except for Flickr).

P.S.  For those who are curious, my blog URL came from Selphie’s final weapon in the game Final Fantasy 8 – my favorite game of all time.  I also used to have a short quote on my header which came from something Sepiroth said in Final Fantasy 7, but I had to remove it when I changed my blog layout T__T

52 thoughts on “About

  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG~! especially the “Photograpy” part…:D.

    You’re so good in photoshopping~! :D. i hope i could be as good as you in the future.. ^^v

  2. Hello
    I came across your blog after seeing a photo on Flickr. I am new to all of this. Basically I am trying to find out where you got your camera pendant. I am looking at them for my daughter and your seems to be a really nice one.


    PS I am also really enjoying reading your blog and your photos are Fabulous!!

  3. happy to see your blog…
    your so blessed at the young age your able to inherit such great talent on music and photography…
    just keep it up…
    ill visit you site as much as i could…
    same here..
    i could stay the whole day on line….
    i’m planning to have my own blog site too… i
    ts not to late i guess…
    ^.^… more blessing and take care always…

  4. This About you page is really sweet 🙂 You did a great job customizing it to fit your style! We like a lot of the same things actually, I love photography, and photo manipulating, I like video games, and try to dabble in piano (though I’ve not had any formal training, haha), and I could also stay online all day… Though with my job I’m not able to. (And the fact that I have no wifi at home doesn’t help either!) But I find places to go 🙂

    Anyway, I enjoyed reading this! You are beyond talented 🙂

  5. I’m happy that you had reached BOSDAK Beach Resort in Virac, Island of Catanduanes. And I hope the next time you and your friends return there, it will be all operational the way I have wished for. Thanks for dropping by to our place…….

  6. Hi! I saw one of your pictures on Flickr and really liked it. I’m launching a website on how people can do more the things they like (instead of living up to other people’s expectations, have a job they dont like…) and are really curious about your story. Hope to hear from you! Manon

  7. i lovE your bag which is a somE sort of a piano design..where did you buy that? hopE i can find similar to that here ;-“) but anyWay, yo really have a good job, so keep it up!!

    • Back in 2011 (when we took this tour) our guide was Kevin, and we liked him.
      We went on another Seagull holiday tour earlier this month to Yellowstone and we had Tim as our guide. He’s very nice and helpful.

  8. Hi Carmi. I am from Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho, GMA7. I have a very important inquiry regarding one of your pictures in your blog. If you happen to be online, kindly email me at mjgbalancio@gmail.com. Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you soon!

    Joyce Balancio
    Segment Producer
    GMA 7

  9. Hi Carmi,
    We just did the Yellowstone Seagull tour and it was very interesting reading your experiences.
    Seagull now have a more efficient pickup system. All groups are brought to a central meeting point just before leaving LA. People then swap buses to join their particular tour. Of course the toilet queue problem still remains.

    • Hi Dolon,

      It’s nice to hear that they have a better pickup system now. Hopefully there will be no mix-ups like ours in the future.
      Thank you for reading my entry. I hope you enjoyed your tour! 🙂

  10. Hi Carmi,

    Can you tell me how you and your family were able to access the PAGSS Lounge in NAIA 1 as BPI depositors? I asked different branches of BPI about it and even referred to your blog, but no one seems to know about it.

    • Hi! Sorry to reply so late. I haven’t been logging on as much.
      I’m not entirely sure about the whole process, but I think you have to be a Preferred Client. My dad just goes to the bank to tell them that we will be travelling and they give us some sort of coupons that we give to the PAGSS Lounge. This was a few years ago tho, so I’m not sure if this will still work.

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