I’m alive! (Life updates)

What’s this? An update?? After over 2 years of complete silence??? Is this for real????

Believe it or not, I’m still around and this blog is still alive, albeit barely. I thought for sure that WordPress would have shut this blog down by now due to inactivity, but thankfully it’s still up. These past few days I’ve been enjoying reading through my old entries and reminiscing about the good old days. I never thought that this blog would see another entry, but I realized that I really liked reading (and even writing) about things I did in the past, and if I want to continue to have something to look back on in the future, then I should probably start updating more.

I may have dropped the ball on this blog, but that was only because of how crazy things got over the past two years. If you look at the last entry I made, it was dated February 29, 2020. I guess I don’t need to elaborate what happened around March 2020 for you to understand what I mean when I say things got “crazy”. Sure, Japan didn’t have it as bad as other parts of the world, but it was still a very unstable time for all of us. These past 2 years had been a whirlwind of emotions as I worked to finish my PhD in the middle of the pandemic, but things are starting to settle down (or at least I hope they are) and I finally earned my degree, which means I now have some time to breathe and get back to some of my old hobbies.

However weird it may be, I plan to continue my whole “Instabits” series, picking up where I left off in my last entry (June 2019). I think this series is the closest thing I have to a diary since it documents my monthly milestones. I already started editing the video compilations of my IG stories for the series, but it seemed strange to just pick up the blog right where I left off after I’ve been gone for so long, so I figured that before I do that I should probably give you guys a general update of what has been happening in my life these past 2 years. Don’t worry, I won’t talk about everything that happened, but I want to share some of my major life updates:

(There’s only six in total, so hopefully this entry won’t be too long.)

1. Ray and I got married!

I am officially a married woman! Ray and I decided to tie the knot on our 2nd anniversary as boyfriend-girlfriend, which was on May 3, 2021. We always talked about getting married after I finished my PhD, so this was a bit of a surprise for both of us. I always pictured us moving back to the Philippines together after I graduated, and having our wedding there. However, after talking about it and consulting with our friends and loved ones, we figured “why wait?”, especially in these uncertain times. We were together most of the time anyway, and we definitely knew we wanted to marry each other, so there’s really no reason for us to put it off. The only thing we really needed to postpone was starting a family, since I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle being pregnant while doing my PhD experiments. Plus it would be very dangerous for the fetus to be exposed to the many chemicals and X-rays that I frequently handle in my lab. Aside from that, we realized that there was nothing stopping us from getting married while I was still a student.

Our wedding took place in the middle of the pandemic. We just had a small ceremony at our house because Kyoto was in a State-of-Emergency during that time and large gatherings were discouraged. Japan’s borders were closed to outsiders which meant that none of our family members were able to attend our wedding physically. Naturally they were sad about not being able to help us with the wedding preparations, but fortunately we had a lovely group of friends who helped us with everything. And thanks to Zoom, they were still able to attend the ceremony virtually. We were worried that they would be upset that we decided to have a wedding which they could not attend physically, but they were all very supportive and extremely happy that we were finally getting married. (But we did have to promise that we would have another ceremony/wedding reception in the Philippines once this was possible.)

Our small wedding party at home

I made a vlog about how we prepared for our wedding, so you can just watch that:

2. We’re pregnant!

Like I mentioned in #1, Ray and I really want to start our family but we had to wait until I finished my PhD because there was no way my mental health could handle the stress of being a PhD student and being pregnant at the same time. Also, we didn’t want to risk our baby’s health as I did my experiments around harmful substances. But once I passed my dissertation defense and was cleared to graduate then we were good to go!

Maybe I’ll make a separate entry about my experiences so far of being pregnant, but for now I’m just happy to announce that we’re expecting our baby bunny next year.

3. I finished my PhD

I mentioned it several times already, but obviously I had to include it in this list since this had been my big goal for the past 4 years. It was the whole reason I came to Japan in the first place. My PhD started off great, but just like most PhDs, it became the source of many sleepless nights, anxiety attacks and tears. This was definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my entire life (well, so far…). Doing my PhD in the middle of the pandemic was not fun at all. There were so many times that I wanted to give up. I definitely struggled A LOT. I won’t talk about everything I went through here, maybe I’ll write about it in a future blog entry if I feel like it. But just know that my mental health was at an all time low during the last year of my PhD and Ray had to talk me through several panic attacks. If it weren’t for the support and constant prayers of Ray, my family, and friends, I probably would have broken down and gone back to the Philippines. I’m just so thankful that I had that support system to pick me up and remind me of God’s plans during my darkest days.

(Just to be clear, my struggles were not a reflection of how my professors and labmates treated me. They were all very kind and supportive. I struggled mostly because of my pride and refusal to relinquish control of my life. I didn’t go through any “abuse” that many PhD students go through, but the journey is just really difficult because you feel like most of what’s happening are out of your control and things don’t always go according to plan. I think any PhD student can relate to this.)

But despite all the challenges, I finally got my degree and I’m free from both academic life and my mental health struggles ā¤

My dream of wearing a hakama for my graduation was finally fulfilled
Had to represent UP too so I wore a sablay the following day for some photos
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2018 Highlights

Happy 2019 everyone! I hope everyone is looking forward to what this new year has to offer. My social media has been flooded with 2018 highlights, and I figured since I had no plans to leave the house today I might as well do one myself. I used to make a blog entry like this every year, but these past few years have been so busy that I gave up. I’m glad I have some time this year to write another one.

Here are some of the things that made my 2018 incredible (in no particular order)

1. Awarded the MEXT Scholarship and moved to Japan to pursue my PhD at Kyoto University


Being a MEXT scholar is a long time dream I didn’t think was possible. For those who don’t know, I actually applied in 2016 but I didn’t make it. Of course my confidence took a huge blow and I started to believe that my dream of studying in Japan was not going to happen, that it wasn’t meant for me. But support from family/friends and God’s promises kept me strong and I tried again in 2017. I received my notice of acceptance around the end of January 2018 and things took off from there šŸ™‚


Living in Japan has been something I wanted to do ever since I was young. I think I was heavily influenced by my uncle, who was also a MEXT scholar. He always had wonderful stories about his experiences in Japan, and I think that’s what started everything. Also, both my BS and MS advisers were MEXT scholars, so my desire to study in Japan grew as I was mentored by them during my student years.


Right now I’m a D1 student at Kyoto University. I never imagined I would be studying here – one of the top universities in Japan. I’ve only been there for 9 months, but so far it’s been an incredible experience.

2. Got baptized and strengthened my personal relationship with God and other Christians.


One of the best things that happened to me this year was strengthening my relationship with God. I actually started attending bible study in 2017, but I didn’t get baptized until early 2018. Believe it or not, what drove me to truly seek God during this time was when I failed to receive the MEXT scholarship. As mentioned earlier, it really shattered my self confidence and got me thinking about a lot of things – like my purpose in life. It was then that several people encouraged me to read the bible. I had a hard time understanding it at first so Amie offered to be my bible study leader. Through her guidance I started to get to know God personally and it’s been an incredible journey. This experience showed me that He has great plans for us. If I had been accepted into the MEXT scholarship when I first applied, my life would be so different, and mostly likely not for the better. Moving to a different country was extremely difficult, and graduate school is no walk in the park. The only thing that keeps me going at times is my faith.

Also, becoming a Christian really opened up my world. I met so many incredible people on the same journey as me, and together we push each other to grow spiritually.


Of course one of the first things I did after I became a Christian was to look for a church in Japan. With God’s guidance I found the Assembly Kyoto Church (AKC). I am forever thankful that I was lead to this church and I met so many people here who has become my family in Japan.

3. Travelled + explored new places with friends and family

This year was extremely busy but I still managed to travel and go sightseeing with loved ones:


In January my mom and I went to Big Bear Mountain with Ezra, Ninang and Raffy, where we had fun sliding down a snowy hill over and over again.


Also in January my parents and I went on a cruise around Mexico and Catalina Island.


In February I went to Ilocos with my parents and Dustin. We explored Vigan, Paoay, Laoag, Batac and Pagudpud.


Dustin and I also went to the Dessert Museum in February. I know it’s not anywhere far and doesn’t really count as “travel”, but I really wanted to go here and I’m so glad we got that chance.

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INSTABITS : June 2018

Hello hello!
I’m taking advantage of my short break by catching up on my blogging. Some of the photos I will include in this entry were actually posted just a few days ago, because I haven’t been able to update my Instagram in real time these past months. (But I am pretty consistent with my IG stories :D)
June was pretty busy, both in terms of school and with personal stuff. This was the time when I started doing experiments in the lab, and my Japanese class started getting harder in terms of grammar, vocabulary and kanji. And since my dorm is so far, I get home pretty late everyday. By the time I’ve finished showering and cooking/eating dinner, it’s almost time for me to go to bed.Ā I made the most of my weekends by going out with friends and using the time to recharge. School can be pretty draining, and having activities planned for the weekend gave me the motivation to push through the challenges presented to me so that I can reward myself after a week of hard work.
I started the month off by watching my second movie here in Japan with some friends. Anna, Mandy, Ray and I went to Aeon Mall to watch Deadpool 2. We had some time before the movie was supposed to start so we took some photos with the purikura machine in the arcade.Ā I’ve always wanted to try this because I think it’s hilarious how the machine contorts your face and automatically applies makeup on you to make you look “pretty” according to standards set by society.
Look, aren’t we adorable? We don’t look like aliens at all!
One exciting thing that happened to me in June was that my friends and I took a weekend trip to Hiroshima and we stopped by Okunoshima (AKA “Rabbit Island) on the way there. For those who don’t know, I love rabbits, and ever since coming to Japan I’ve been missing my bunny (Mochi) terribly. I know he’s in good hands with the ladies I left him with, but I really miss him. So I was extremely excited to visit Okunoshima
Gateway to Rabbit Island. You have to take a ferry to get to the island, but the ride is only about 15 minutes long.
For those who haven’t heard of Rabbit Island before, basically it’s an entire island in Japan populated by wild rabbits. They have grown used to people visiting the island and usually associate visitors with food (since guests usually bring vegetables to feed the rabbits when they visit). It’s pretty common to see rabbits running after people, asking to be fed. It’s like a dream come true for me!
Of course I bought several types of vegetables and even rabbit pellets with me to feed the little furballs. I had fun looking for them everywhere and feeding them.
My favorites were the baby bunnies of course. They’re harder to feed because they’re not that used to people yet and are typically more aloof, but occasionally I would be able to lure a few out to feed them.
Aside from the rabbits, there were plenty to see around the island. Okunoshima is a beautiful place, so we took lots of photos:
These “bunny ears” amplify the sound of the ocean
Since it was an island, we had a great view of the ocean
Lost in the jungle XD
After Okunoshima we dropped by Miyajima Island, popular for the Itsukushima Shrine. It’s a lone torii standing in the middle of the water, giving it the illusion that it’s floating:
We arrived just as the sun was setting, which was the perfect time to take photos ā¤

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Vlog : My first month in Japan

Hallu everyone! I know I haven’t been blogging lately since I have very little free time, but I thought I would post a quick update. I’ve been pretty busy with school but I think I’m adjusting pretty well to living in a new country by myself. My first month was amazing (you can read about it in my April INSTABITS). I’m not going to talk about it again in this entry, but I figured I would share this short video I made of my first four weeks here in Japan. It contains a bunch of clips I managed to take of the places I visited. It’s not really a proper vlog, more of a compilation of the highlights of my first month here. Enjoy! šŸ™‚

Week 52/52 : Everything has changed, and yet I am more me than I’ve ever been

I made it! I almost didn’t think I would, but I couldn’t bear the thought of not finishing this project. I’ve been doing this for 9 years now (since 2009) and I’ve never not finished, so I wasn’t about to start now.

On that note, however, I would like to announce that this is my last year doing the 52-week project. I first started doing 52-weeks as a way to motivate myself to take photos and learn more about photography, back when I had my first DSLR and I was still experimenting with it (Canon Rebel XTi whooo!). This project forced me to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. I learned how to play with lights and shadows, how to utilize my environment, to be resourceful, and discovered the wonderful world of photomanipulations. I met a lot of inspiring people through this project, mostly on Flickr (shoutout to my Pink Tuesdays, Flickr Adiks and Filipina Flickrites friends!) During the first few years I had a lot of free time, and I was able to upload regularly every week. I was even able to shoot and edit 52-week portraits for my sister (which I really miss doing). However, these past few years I’ve discovered a lot of other things I want to try that is non-photography related, and I haven’t devoted as much time to this project as I would have liked. You may have noticed that my uploads have increased significantly during the past few days. That’s because I fell so far behind on this project that I had to practically post one portrait a day just to catch up. The 52-week project has been an incredible journey and 90% of the time I loved what I was doing, but it does take a lot of effort and there were moments when this project caused me great stress (mostly when I ran out of ideas for portraits). 2017 was an amazing year, packed with so many adventures and memories, and it seems like a great time to say goodbye to this project. I have a feeling 2018 is going to be even busier and filled with more adventures and responsibilies, but I welcome the challenge.

For those who are rejoicing about the fact that they won’t be seeing my face plastered on their FB feed from now on, I’m sorry to disappoint you but you’ll still be seeing a lot of me :p I’m not going to stop taking photos, especially not self portraits, I just won’t force myself to upload once a week (which I haven’t been doing anyway). I’m not sure what I’ll do yet. Maybe I’ll just post my portraits on Instagram, or maybe I’ll create a separate album on FB for them if I end up shooting a lot. Who knows. But I’ll definitely still be uploading them.

To end this, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me with all my past 52-week projects (alam nyo na sino kayo) Thank you for the support, critiques, and encouragement. Thank you to everyone who I managed to persuade to take my photo (I know I can be a bit of a control freak sometimes – I’m sorry if I made you take the shot over and over again :p). And thank you to everyone who shared this unforgettable journey with me šŸ™‚

Thanks Kurt for the photo!

(Quote in the title is byĀ Iain Thomas)

Week 5/52 : A love worth fighting for

This was taken during Kurt and Ezra’s wedding last week. The line I used for my title is in reference to Kurt’s speech when he described the love he shared with my sister. I thought it was beautiful and I pray that someday I’ll have someone I’m willing to fight for as well ā¤

I know I fell behind on this project, but that’s because my sister came home last February 1 for her wedding. We haven’t seen each other in over a year so I wanted to spend all my free time with her, not in front of my laptop editing pictures. But I do have a few lined up that we took during the cruise we went on while she was here. Hopefully I’ll be able to have those up later this week. I’ll probably share a couple of photos from the wedding once Kurt posts them on his FB as well.

Thanks Dustin for taking this photo!

Vlog : Birthday weekend with the girls

This isĀ a videoĀ I made from when the girls and I checked in at the Crimson Hotel in Alabang for Camille’s and my birthdays.Ā Our birthdays are only two weeks apart soĀ we figured it would be nice to meet halfway and celebrate them together. We mainly just hung out at the hotel, played board games and updated each other on our daily lives. We also went for a quick dip in the hotel’s pool the following day.

Warning : lots of craziness happiness in this video. I promise we weren’t drunk :p

Las Vegas 2015

Last July (ahem … 2015 – this entry is over a year late) we went to Vegas for a family reunion. Some of our relatives from New York/New Jersey were in the area for vacation and they organized a party for everyone to get together. I haven’t seen someĀ of my relatives from that side in over 20 yearsĀ so this was a great opportunity to reconnect with everyone – and meet new additions to the family šŸ˜€

Ate Zsa Zsa ordered this giant cookie for the party:




Obligatory group photo. Kurt, Ezra and I arrived late. My parents went to Vegas the day before to help set up but since Kurt had to work weĀ left LA on the day of the party. Due to traffic we arrived pretty late.


There were lots of Filipino food of course



We made it šŸ˜€




The cousins šŸ™‚


The whole gang


The next day, Kurt and Ezra left early because Kurt had work the next day. I stayed behind so I could spend more time with the family. Also, Ate Zsa Zsa got us tickets for Cirque du Soleil that night and I really wanted to see it.

We stayed at the Monte Carlo and decided to walk to our family lunch at Todai in Planet Hollywood the following day.



We got lost and turned around several times but we eventually made it

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Laiya 2016 with Baks

Last June the girls and I had our annual beach outing. I’ve posted some of the photos we took on Instagram and as part of my 52-week project, butĀ here areĀ the rest. (For some reason I always forget to post our barkada photos on my blog. I just realized that I never posted the pictures from our Zambales trip last year, but at least I was able to post our vlog – which you can watch HERE.)


Only three of us were available that day since Camille had a family event to attend. It was my first time driving to Laiya so I was pretty nervous/excited.


We stopped byĀ McDonalds for some breakfast along the way

Naturally we ended up at Virgin Beach Resort again. To be fair,Ā we did try to look at other resorts in the area, butĀ they were all too crowded and we just want a quiet day atĀ the beach with no one to bother us.




Since there were only three of us we decided to get a day bed



Some beach essentials whichĀ I ended up using as props in my self portraits that day



This was my Week 21/52 this year.



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Week 29/52 : Live to express, not to impress

It’s my birthday today! I had a photoshoot with Dustin and Jason the other day to celebrate. We wanted balloons to make it more festive, but we weren’t able to buy them beforehand. Thank goodness for stock images and Photoshop šŸ™‚

I don’t really have any deep words to share on my birthday. I suppose the best thing to say would just be “thank you”. Thank you for all the blessings this past year, thank you for the good people around me, thank you for new friends, thank you for new experiences, thank you for new destinations and thank you for all the things that made me smile and laugh this year.

Thanks Jason for this photo!

Balloon stock : http://eveblackwoodstock.deviantart.com/art/balloons-PNG-2-476240383