Week 52/52: If you never try, you’ll never know

Ta-dah! I made it! Another buzzer beater before 2016 ends 🙂 I actually had this photo ready for about two weeks now. It was taken by Jason right after our office Christmas party. I really like it so I decided I would make it my last self portrait for the year. For some reason it gives me the feeling of hope, which is exactly what I want for the upcoming year.

I know that a lot of people have said that 2016 was a terrible year, but personally it was one of the most amazing and memorable years of my life. We had our share of unfortunate events (we lost two members of our family during the first quarter of 2016), but we were also showered with plenty of blessings. This was the year that I forced myself to be more adventurous and experience new things, and I have so much to show because of it. I learned so much about myself these past few months and I believe I’ve grown a lot as a person. I also met some amazing people this year, and for that I’m very grateful. 2016 – you had your ups and downs, but overall I am a better person because of you and for that I thank you.

Week 51/52 : Watchful eyes

My parents and I went to the Art in Paradise museum here in Bangkok yesterday. We had a blast posing for photos, which meant I had a hard time deciding on which one to include as part of my self portrait. In the end I went with this shot. Of course you can expect to see the rest of the photos here on my blog, but probably not for another year the way things are going XD

One day left and one portrait to go. I can do this!

Week 49/52 : Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so the world can see you

I’m going to have to post a self portrait each day if I want to finish this 52-week project on time this year.

This was taken the other day by my dad. We went to the Doi Suthep temple in Chiang Mai, and they had a viewing pavillion. It was really hot up there, but very beautiful. We also had another tour scheduled the following day but unfortunately my hyperacidity acted up again so they had to leave me behind at the hotel T__T

(Quote in the title is by David McCullough Jr.)

Week 48/52 : If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets

I really like how this photo turned out. I love how it looks like I shot this in a forest with lots of open space when in fact it was shot in our garage. I used my 50mm lens to try to create an extreme bokeh background but that’s really hard to do when you have very little space to work with, and no one to focus the camera for you. In the end I decided to shoot myself and the background separately and just put them together in Photoshop.

Obviously I’m wearing a wig in this photo. I found this dress in my sister’s closet and thought it would go nicely with red hair. I decided to wear a flower crown at the last minute because I seem to be obsessed with them this year. I think this is my 4th or 5th portrait this year with one.

One week left till the end of 2016 and I still have 4 self portraits to go! Eeeeek!

(Quote in the title is from Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami)


Week 46/52 : Feliz Navidad

My last self portrait was pretty depressing so I figured I’d go for something happier this week. This was taken by Jason during a party my mom threw for my friends last week. We bought these reindeer antlers to get us all in a festive mood. Since finals are over and most of my grades have been submitted, I’ve been slowly shifting to vacation mode these past few days. Mostly I just play FF15 and watch k-dramas. I can’t believe there are only a few days left till Christmas!

Week 45/52 : We get attached to temporary things, then wonder why our happiness never lasts

I fell behind again T__T I was doing so well on catching up to this project, then Final Fantasy 15 happened. Now all my free time these days now goes to gaming, tsk tsk.

Anyway this was a quick shot I took at home last week as an attempt to get the ball rolling again. I’ll try to shoot more photos this weekend. There’s only a few weeks left in 2016 and I still have 6 portraits to do, yikes!

Week 43/52 : Silver skies

I’m still having a lot of fun with my nifty fifty. I didn’t realize I missed this lens so much. The only problem I have is getting the focus right. In this photo I think the camera focused on my hands so my eyes aren’t that sharp, but I still like the shot so I decided to post it anyway.

The weather has been pretty cold lately, which was the inspiration behind this. Of course, it’s still a tropical country so it’s definitely nowhere near cold enough to need to wear a jacket this thick, but I just thought it would be fun. The last time I wore this was back in 2011 I think. It’s been hibernating in my closet since then. I wonder when I’ll be able to wear it out again.